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Private Lessons

RTDT Perfect K9 Private Lessons: 

You create your own schedule. Once you sign up and complete payment, you will receive a link to the online training schedule where you can select the days and times that work for you. Yes, there are weekday and weekend time slots. Every single lesson is customized and dependanrnon the individual client, dog, and training goals. Each lesson is an hour long, held at a local park (West Reno) and I recommend scheduling weekly or bi-weekly lessons.

Common commands taught include: "Come" (recall), "Sit", "Down", "Place", "Heel"/Loose Leash Walking (no more pulling!), "Off", and "Stay".

I am the first trainer in Reno to offer play-based training method which helps build a strong foundation for relationship, boundaries, and precision-like obedience.

Park Lesson Pricing:

One Private Lesson: $100.00

Or bundle and save!

(6) Lesson Package: $500.00**

Must be paid upfront.

(12) Lesson Package: $950.00**

Must be paid upfront

Want the PERFECT companion and set up a very rigorous training program with training tools included? Let’s talk!

**In-Home Lessons have an additional travel/time-block fee depending on your area. Limited availability.

Don't see what you're looking for? Ask about service/therapy/CGC dog training and behavioral modification programs by sending an email!

Private Lessons: Welcome
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